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Apply Now to Work in VSSL!


Interested in how people make decisions, and how those decisions affects health care outcomes?

At VSSL, we believe that (a) human decisions and behaviors are "final common pathways" for nearly all health care interventions; and (b) even the most innovative or promising interventions are likely to fall short of their potential if they don't consider how patients, clinicians, and organizations make decisions and behave.

We are currently looking for a part-time research coordinator with these interests to join our team!

Under the direction of VSSL Director, Dr. Joshua Liao, the research coordinator will help oversee BE-IMMUNE, a multi-site study that evaluates how behavioral economics "nudges" can be used within the electronic health record can impact vaccination rates among older patients.

The project reflects the Lab's commitment to collaborate with internal and external partners on building a collaborative portfolio of work in health care decision-making and behavior. Those interested can see the full job posting here.

We look forward to receiving your application!


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Value & Systems Science Lab

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