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In Search of Value: Grand Rounds with VSSL Director

On November 14, VSSL Director Dr. Joshua Liao delivered University of Washington Department of Medicine Grand Rounds via a presentation titled, "In Search of Value: The Impact of Value-Based Payment Reform on Organizations and Patients."

Dr. Liao's presentation focused on the following objectives:

  • Defining value in health care

  • Defining value-based payment reforms along the overall spectrum of health care payment

  • Describing key features of 3 prominent types of reforms

  • Reviewing evidence about the impact of these reforms on outcomes

  • Identifying emerging topics for these reforms

The presentation provides a foundational review of value and value-based payment reforms (for those who are new to the topic) as well as a deeper look into the evidence and emerging issues related to these reforms (for those more well-versed or actively working in this area). It can be viewed on the Department of Medicine website or directly on YouTube.


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