In a recent VSSL Volumes Issue Brief, VSSL members Drs. Catherine Hwang, Leah Marcotte, Ashok Reddy, and Joshua Liao provide a summary of key points related to Chronic Care Management (CCM) services.
The brief continues a series of VSSL Volumes publications about services and policies aimed at improving care coordination for patients. In particular, CCM emphasizes a series of activities delivered longitudinally on a recurring monthly basis in order to improve coordination and care management for patients with chronic conditions.

As the authors write, "In 2015, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) launched Chronic Care Management (CCM) fee-for-service billing codes to reimburse providers for coordinating care outside of traditional office visits for patients with multiple chronic diseases. Through a team-based strategy involving physicians and other clinical staff to deliver CCM services, providers can support care management while increasing revenue. Addressing patient concerns and education through CCM can improve patient satisfaction and treatment adherence."