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Payment Model Brief: Primary Care First


Updated: Apr 28, 2020

In the newest installment of the VSSL Brief series, Drs. Jonathan Staloff, Joshua Liao, Ashok Reddy, and Leah Marcotte provide an overview of Primary Care First, a forthcoming primary care payment model designed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to improve patient outcomes.

In contrast to earlier briefs, which detailed a series of key fee-for-service billing codes that promote care coordination, this brief represents the first to summarize a major value-based alternative payment model (APM).



As Drs. Staloff, Liao, Reddy, and Marcotte note:

"In January 2021, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) plans to launch Primary Care First (PCF), a payment model to support the delivery of advanced primary care. This voluntary five-year model aims at empowering primary care organizations to provide innovative care in 4 key areas: doctor-patient relationship; enhancing care for patients with complex and serious illness, reducing administrative burden, and focusing on financial rewards on improved health outcomes. Participants can choose to participate through one or both participation options: PCF-General and PCF-High Needs Populations."

read the full Primary Care First brief here. Browse all briefs in the VSSL Volumes collection here.


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