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Publication: Advancing Bundled Payments Through Radiation Oncology Episodes


In this week's Health Affairs blog, VSSL team member Dr. Joshua Liao was senior author on an article about Medicare's newly proposed Radiation Oncology bundled payment model (the "RO Model"). Key points from the article:

* In some ways, the RO Model is similar to other prior bundled payment programs (e.g., the CJR, OCM programs)

* In other ways, the RO Model advances bundled payment policy by "pulling 3 policy levers" in ways that prior programs have not

* Lever 1: Prospective Payment

* Lever 2: Site Neutral Payment

* Lever 3: Direct Use of Mandatory Participation

Read the full article here at Health Affairs & reposted through the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics at the University of Pennsylvania, where Dr. Liao is a Senior Fellow.


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