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Who Do Physicians Believe Will Benefit from MIPS?


This is one question posed and evaluated by VSSL Director Dr. Joshua Liao and colleague in a recent paper published in the Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy.

The authors surveyed physicians during the first year of MIPS, asking physician respondents how the program would ultimately impact stakeholder groups.

Few respondents believed that the MIPS would ultimately benefit any stakeholder groups. In particular:

  • The minority reported the belief that the MIPS would benefit Medicare patients (17%) or the physicians (8%) and hospitals/clinics (13%) caring for them

  • In fact, more physicians believed the MIPS would ultimately harm these groups

from Liao JM, Navathe AS. Physician perspectives about the US Quality Payment Program: MIPS benefits and alternative payment model incentives. JHMP. 2020.4;16.

Read the full article here.


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